The only thing that matters is faith expressing itself through love.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Here Am I

When Isaiah was commissioned, he heard a voice from Heaven saying this:

"Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"

This question is strikingly unexpected... why would the God of everything known and unknown ask for the aid of those who fail everyday, the perfect, creator God who made the earth and the whole universe?

Those who study the Bible quickly recognize that God uses imperfect people to perform and demonstrate His glory and awesomeness. Those as Christians need to be ready and willing to receive and live out His call on their lives.

One of the most proficient and important prophets, arguably, then responds to this call: "Here am I. Send me!"

I was sitting in my room as a sophomore in high school. I had just bought a new CD by MercyMe. As I was listening to the greatness that was, the second track came on. The song is describing certain people with a certain set of predicaments: one is one the ocean wondering if there is something more; one is driving home from his regular 9-5 wondering if this is all there is to life. The song then goes on to quote a popular verse in Isaiah stated above (Isaiah 6:8; NIV). This song got me started. My life was good; I was in good health; of good status with my peers and family; but there was still something more. There needed to be servants to spread what I felt inside at that moment.

Willow Creek put out a great video on YouTube. It is a great summary of what Christians are called to do wholeheartedly.

In Christ,

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Growing Up

"I don't want to grow up; I want to be a Toys-R-Us kid!"

The truth of the matter is: it happened...and it happens to everyone. For some, I believe, it happens in a matter of a few months; others maybe a matter of years; and for the unfortunate a matter of decades. It never happens all at once, and it certainly effects everyone differently. Like a child learning that when you touch a hot stove it burns, it takes many trials and crises in order to grow up. We learn from ours and others' mistakes.

From my experience, some parts of growing up sometimes just day I take a moment to reflect and then suddenly like a flash of lightning I notice how grown up I've become; I am having to perform daily chores and activities such as cleaning, washing clothes and dishes, and cooking regularly, I try to care more about others than myself (like I said, try to), I find myself running "errands" (I mean come on, errands?!), I pay my own phone bill and am practically paying for my education here at Milligan.

I am not saying this to brag, but to make a point: what happened to the good ol' days?? The days where all I needed to worry about was eating, sleeping, and playing? The all-nighters with the friends playing first person shooters on the PC or SSB on the 64...or the times at school were learning multiplication and division were the devil in disguise? Where having a girlfriend was the cool thing to do...for maybe one week?

The truth is, time is flying. There are major decisions coming up in the life of a junior in college: is there a girl/boy to consider marrying; what about grad school?; what is my major....for real this time?; where might I live?; what job can I pick up to start paying this awful debt from college I'm in? It has potential to challenge even the strongest of people.

The great thing about all this stress is that God is waiting to hear our hearts. He is longing for us to talk with him and share our struggles and burdens.

Sitting in silence and just focusing on God is a great way to hear God speak; our lives are sometimes way too busy and we just need to take a break. Other times, I get a good spiritual life by playing some of my favorite worship music. This may not be your way of connecting with God, though. Go outside and hike; read the Bible in a setting you're not used to. Maybe you connect by excersizing, or by being in prayer for a good amount of time. Whatever your "pathway" is to connecting with God, he is there waiting.

We cannot do this journey alone. We need our Creator. We also need each other. Take some time to sit with your closest friends and talk about your struggles. Make an accountability group (Heb. 12:1-3).

Pray for wisdom and comfort as you sleep, as you start your day, as you do life.

In Christ,